Powerful, WELCOME to:
(check your email for details/scroll down for a welcome letter from Lo & Zo)
We're not even sure how to start this off, because "congratulations" just seems like too small a word to acknowledge the move you've just made and the direction you're now headed in.
We want to first and foremost say that we see you. That we've developed this sacred container for you, for your fellow mastermind participants, and also for us, as well.
The truth is the last two years have encompassed a lot of heavy lifting for both of us. Being forced into emotional spaces we never imagined we'd need to navigate.
We've supported one another and grown together through really difficult times and challenging circumstances. Lightly put, the learnings that have come out of these periods of darkness, have cracked us both open, so-to-speak. It's rid us of the false identities and deepest fears/insecurities that had us previous operate largely from a space of control; unknowingly cutting ourselves off from what we wanted most: a life of peace, flow, and ease in receiving.
A very large part of the reason that these learnings were so heavy for us, is because we didn't know how to navigate them. We lacked the awareness that, once gained, ultimately led us to alchemizing what we were being shown into a level of personal power greater than any we'd known before, and the ability to make a deep and profound difference in the lives of our clients and course participants.
It's sort of like we were each pushed through the darkness of our undoings, in order to help others navigate this process while staying in the light.
All of this is to say that the reason you're here is because it's your time to be cracked open. To move into a paradigm of receiving that's based in flow over force, and trust over trying. To remove the false identities and beliefs about yourself that are limiting you, or keeping you stuck in thought patterns that don't allow for the abundance you desire to flow in with ease.
Over the hours and hours spent developing Divinity and preparing to launch it, we've been talking about you, a lot.
About how to best help you navigate your own return to "nothingness"-- a magnetic space that's free of judgment and resistance, and led by flow and ease.
We've been talking, sometimes for hours a day, about the journey we'd take you on. The spaces of yourself we'd guide you through, and the process through which you yourself would return to your own state of Divinity, and radiate an energy that's more powerful than any amount of willpower or motivation could ever be.
We're so incredibly excited to have you, as we know that YOU were Divinely chosen to become a part of this channel with us.
Head to your email inbox for details and next steps. This is the beginning of something really, really big.
Lo & Zo