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Lo & Zo

Dear Divine one...
We know what it's like.
To desire it all...
The freedom. The fulfilment. The greatest of love stories & most magical of moments.
...and to know deep down, that it's available.
To understand that you have the power to create any outcome or circumstance simply by focusing your attention on it.

Believing there are conditions to having what you want, actually manifest.

You've been told
That you need to believe more.
To worry less.
To be, feel and act like someone you're not.

Are likely no stranger to imposter syndrome.
Shy away from making yourself vulnerable in areas you desire to create beautiful outcomes within.
Catch yourself in comparison-mode, despite a deep knowing that you're not here to emulate.
Feel the need to strategize which version of you the world should see, in order to be accepted, desired and worthy of what you want.

If what you desire isn't here yet, it "must" be because...
You're missing something.
You're doing it wrong.
There's a block, a limiting belief, or a way of being that needs to shift...
and will always be willing to grow, evolve and go within...
You're tired of trying.
Of living in your head.
Of needing circumstances to change... order for things to work, and for your life to finally look the way you deeply desire it to.
We know you've been feeling the call of a new paradigm of receiving.
One where ease = power, and relaxation = receptivity.
We know that deep down, you sense that striving and pushing and trying to create outcomes, is a contradiction to creation itself, and that allowing in the love and freedom you desire, isn't suppose to come with a rule book.
Divine one...
...and to embrace and share the Divine imperfection that is YOU, as a means to receiving every last thing you want and more.
"The only thing that needs to change, is the belief that you need changing."

You've been sold a lie...
You've been made to believe that your ability to attract money
To be capable of extraordinary things
To be desired by others
To be worthy of love
...lies within your ability to control circumstances...
To manipulate conditions
To 'live in the end'
To be... perfect.

If creating without condition from a state of flow, ease and allowance is the paradigm that's been calling you, there's a very real reason as to why.
Things are shifting. Quickly. The narratives around "working" for results and efforting our a$$es off just to have our basic needs be met, are crumbling.
If the contrast from the past few years has shown you anything, we're willing to bet that it's a desire for things to feel EASY. For creation to feel effortless, and for love, freedom and money to come without a rulebook-- simply because receiving an abundance of each, is your Divine birth right.

You get to be human, and whole.
You get to be flawed, and free.
You get to receive all you desire, just by being yourself.
You get to be imperfect, and prosperous.
We're here to show you how.

The only energy you need to embody in order to magnetize the love & freedom you desire, is total ease.
Manifestation is no longer a game of watching your thoughts or trying to control emotions.
Imposter syndrome, comparison and perfectionism become pains of the past, because receiving your desires in any area no longer requires you to be, do or have anything that doesn't come naturally to you.
You exist full-time in a paradigm of creation within which, allowing in what you want doesn't involve effort, forcefulness or trying to control a damn thing.
You've created freedom and ease in love, life & finances, and left behind the game-playing, the hustle, the strategizing and over-thinking for good.

Have we met yet?

We're Lauren and Zoey, or as our audience knows us... Lo & Zo. We're coaches, authors, podcast co-hosts, and the Quantum Creators of our own realities. Together, we've launched courses and coaching programs designed to equip people from all over the world, with the tools and know-how needed to manifest the lives they deserve, while skipping past a lot of the manifestation rhetoric and spiritual bypassing that goes on in the industry. Collectively, we've used what we teach others inside of our courses, to create outcomes including 6-figure+ online businesses we love, book deals, world travel, dream homes and meaningful relationships, just to name a few. But truth be told, we're not here to talk about us. We're here to help YOU, remember who you really are. And we're on a next-level mission with IAP, to accomplish exactly that.
What we've repeatedly seen and heard from our past participants and audience members, is a collective struggle around perfectionism. Around the idea that in order to receive your desires, you must meet a mile-long list of conditions.
To be desirable in love or business, you have to be unattached. To be deserving of financial abundance, you have to hustle like crazy and not harbour any thoughts of scarcity. To grow your income as an entrepreneur, you have to have X followers on Instagram, high engagement rates, and be perfectly healed or fully transformed.
You must live in the end and 'let it go' and stay committed and believe fully and never doubt and have unwaivering faith, and and and...
We're calling bullshit.

existing in a space of flow, while teaching your body calm over chaos
What if we told you...
That the paradigm of receiving you've been searching for
is on the other side of releasing conditions
and realizing that you're worthy AF, without shifting a thing.
The truth is, that the areas of your life that are the most abundant, are the ones where you 'try' the least. Where you don't place conditions around your what you get to have, or how you get to have it.
You allow yourself to be imperfect... and prosperous. You accept that who you are is enough ---more than enough-- to have what you want without pushing, forcing or manically manifesting.
This is how it's meant to be in ALL areas of your life, no matter how unreasonable your desires may seem to others. Money and clients get to come just for being you. Love abounds without the need to curate how you're seen by those you're interested in. A thriving body is yours because you stopped feeling the need to follow the 'advice' of those who insist you spend your life punishing or being angry at it.
The only 'condition' you need to meet in order to receive all you desire, is deciding that there aren't any. You're deserving of it all now. You can align with and receive it all NOW.
It's simply a matter of teaching your brain and body to believe it. That's what we're here for.
What is IAP?
Imperfect & Prosperous is an 8 week live group program designed to have you release any and all conditions around your manifestations and Quantum leaps, so that they can come faster and stay forever.
IAP is a deeply integrative program in which we'll be doing the body work to move you from survival or trying energy, into a space of ease, flow and allowing, by de-conditioning the beliefs and emotions that keep your nervous system on-edge and your manifestations often feeling, well... manic.
We'll be releasing the confines of imposter syndrome, perfectionism, comparison and overthinking, to allow for total flow & ease in creation, from a paradigm that only requires you to be imperfect, in order to be prosperous.
The new paradigm of receiving...
The new paradigm is one of relaxation. Ease. Flow.
It replaces control with trust, and forcefulness with fun and freedom.
Your desires flow in without needing to change/control a thing, play by the 'rules', embody a certain frequency or live in belief of a certain outcome that hasn't arrived yet. Your manifestations are sustainable, because you weren't trying to 'do' or 'be' anything that didn't come effortlessly to you in order to create them.
There's an easeful energy behind how you allow yourself to receive, because you allow for the unfolding of your desires from a place of trust and internal peace, rather than needing to control or judge the way things currenlty appear.
You no longer feel like an imposter, require perfectionism of yourself, or shy away from making yourself vulnerable as the divinely imperfect being you came here to be.
The new paradigm is accessed through your Divine imperfection. In fact, by the end of IAP, you'll realize that the two go together like PB & J.
The Details
IAP has been meticulously designed as a portal through which you'll leave the old paradigm, and enter the new. You have lifetime access to everything listed below, as well as complimentary participation in any and all future rounds/updates of the program.

8 Weekly Recorded Modules
Participants get lifetime access to the 8 weekly modules via Zoey's Kajabi. These 8 transmissions will cover the entire IAP process, and serve as the portal from the old paradigm, into the new.

8 Weekly Workbooks
Integration of the curricular teachings is where the magic happens, and the weekly workbooks will make it easy to do exactly that. You'll be able to print off the workbooks or follow along in your journal to apply the IAP process and shift paradigms as a result.

Bonus Meditation & Tapping Sessions
IAP is an integrative program in which you'll be learning to work with your body, to create flow, trust and ease in all areas of your life you wish to create desired change within. Our guided meditation and tapping sessions will serve as the fast-track to releasing internal programming and replacing it with ones of relaxed receptivity and confidence in your Divine imperfection.
The key to your prosperity, is embracing your imperfection.
The new paradigm awaits.

What happens next...
After checkout, you'll be automatically redirected to the program curriculum inside Lo & Zo's Thrive Learn course platform. Participants will have lifetime access to the modules, as well as complimentary participation in future rounds of the program if and when they're scheduled.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time per week is required to complete IAP?
Each of the 8 core modules are between 40 and 60 minutes. The integrative work will take 5-20 minutes a day, and can be worked into your schedule in whatever way best suits you. If you don't have 1-2 hours/week to complete IAP during our time together, feel free to complete in on whatever timeline you wish to.
When you join once, you join forever. Meaning, you'll be granted complimentary access to any and all future rounds, updates and additions, and can continue doing this work for years to come, so there's no rush.
I've previously enrolled in Quantum Creators. Is IAP a good fit for me?
We're built Imperfect & Prosperous to be a sister program to Quantum Creators, because the teachings will work hand-in-hands with the QC curriculum. IAP is aimed to have you release any and all conditions around your manifestations and Quantum leaps, so that they can come easier and stay forever. IAP is a deeply integrative program in which we'll be doing the body work to move you from survival or trying energy, into a space of ease, flow and allowing, by de-conditioning the beliefs and emotions that keep your nervous system on-edge and your manifestations often feeling, well... manic.

When is the next round?
We do not currently have a new round of IAP scheduled. If you're feeling the call, now is your time.
I have more questions. Can we chat first?
Of course! Send us an email to
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